Product Information:
Guiding Attribute ~ Sensuality
- Assists Communication with the Kingdom of the Elementals
- Encourages the expression of your Wild Side
- Aligns with Nature’s sovereignty in maintaining self-authority
- Represents the divine marriage of Self-Actualisation with Graceful Spontaneity
- Cosmic Wholeness via the Light-language of plant-based communications
Totem ~ Pan, the forest gypsy
- Lover of sensual delights
- Creation, imagination and musical influence
- Direct communion with the natural world
Scent ~ herbal, sweet and earthy mid-tones provides balance, while the forest-fresh finish connects our field to the Natural-world's frequency
Directions ~ shake well to activate crystal energy. Delicately spray myst 20cm away from the skin in energy field, evoking guidance from Fractal Flowers enticing a sense of beauty & being.
We ❤️ Enchantment as a tool to assist us in engaging with our plants. We Myst ourselves and embrace a moment of stillness before opening to the messages of our green brotherhood in heart-connected meditation.
Love, Wild Spring Water, Biodynamic Flower and Gemstone Essences, Organic Vodka, Organic Solubiliser (Coconut and Almond), 24K Gold Ormus, Potentiated Crystals
Flower Essences
Green Rose ~ Yarrow ~ Gumbi Gumbi Tree ~ Mugwort
Essential Oils
Myrrh ~ Yarrow ~ Kiwifruit ~ Rosewood ~ Lavender ~ Cape Rose Geranium ~ Palmarosa ~ Mugwort ~ Oak Moss ~ Melissa
* NOTE: Caution should be used during pregnancy - please seek advice from your health professional before use of essential oils