Delicious Gluten-Free Ginger Nut Biscuits

Makes 12-15 biscuits


- 2 ½ cups of ground almonds (if grinding your own – which is recommended as they oxidise quickly – grind roughly 2¼ cups of whole raw almonds – then measure out to get your 

2 ½ cups, you might have a little left over which you can sprinkle on your porridge the next day!)

- 2 ½ Tbsp ginger powder

- Just less than ½ tsp fine salt

- 1 tsp bicarb soda

- Zest of 1 lge or 2 sml lemons (preferably organic or home-grown)

- ¼ cup maple syrup


Pre-heat oven to 180° Celsius

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl or pulse in a food processor. Add lemon zest and mix thoroughly.

Add the maple syrup and mix well.

Use a tablespoon of the mixture to make each ball – roll between hands and gently flatten out using the palm of your hand. 

Place on baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 10-12 mins. Cool on wire rack. Enjoy!